Monday, January 30, 2012

30 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I went for a drive today, and found this cool spot.

I had fun editing this picture. It kind of reminds me of The Birds.

29 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Oh phooey. I woke up with a cold today. But I still managed to get a decent photo.

28 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

We went to a family white elephant party.
This "priceless" novel is what my hubby came away with. We shall cherish it always...

27 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Some pretty grocery store roses.

It's always a little awkward when I'm taking pictures of something in a public place where strangers can see me. Like when I was zooming in on these flowers in a grocery store. What do people think of me? "She must really love those flowers." or "Hasn't she ever seen a rose before?"
I guess that's something I need to overcome with this challenge. I tote my camera everywhere, and if I see an opportunity for a nice photo, I should just take it, instead of hesitating because I'm wondering what people are thinking of me. It's just the way I am though, I'm not the type of person that craves the spotlight.

26 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Yellow curved fruit.

This was one of those days where I'm seconds away from my head hitting my pillow, and I realize I didn't take a picture for the day.
So I grabbed my camera, went into the kitchen, and these bananas looked like they wanted their picture taken.

25 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Tub time.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

21 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I couldn't decide...color? or black & white? So I posted both.

They're both nice in their own way.

I love that it finally started snowing after a long day of rain! It's winter for heck's sake, not spring!

20 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Someone knocked at the door. It was a man who worked at Bowmans (a local grocery store). He handed us a free loaf of french bread and some awesome coupons for more free food! How cool is that?!

19 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I looked at Facebook one more time before going to bed and a fellow 365er had posted some of their pictures. So it reminded me that I never took a picture! If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't have a picture for this day.

18 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Sheet music with a shallow depth of field.

17 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I bumped the shutter speed and aperture way up to get this picture.
You can do cool things with cameras.

16 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

We had a small birthday party for Max with family.
I wasn't going to do anything but serve cake and ice cream since we were so busy with the move.
But I can't help myself, I have to do a little something special if I throw a party.

I made an e-vite to go along with this theme, and also gave all the kids gold cardboard crowns, just like Max's crown.

15 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Looking out the window. Trying to settle in.

14 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Moving day!
We rented a U-Haul...We got a truck with an aquatic theme...Looks like a catfish and a stingray to me...except do catfish have spikes down their spine? Hmm..

A HUGE thank-you to all who helped us move! We couldn't have done it without you!!!!

*Update: A little explanation...we moved in with my in-laws until we found our house*

13 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

My boys' sticker book.
It was FULL of stickers. I took a picture of it, before chucking it (I made them a new one).

12 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

My little one turned TWO!
I just love those little feet sticking out from under his present.

(He got THIS)

Messy hair...some things just don't get done when you're spending all day packing up boxes. :)

11 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I'm diggin' these colors.

10 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I'm back, settled in with my in-laws for a bit, till we find a place of our own. And we finally have our computer set up, so I can continue posting my pictures here.

This was my LAST day doing laundry at a laundromat! Hurray! Goodbye Wash Hut.

Monday, January 9, 2012

9 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

The sky had such pretty colors tonight!

8 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

It was starting to get late, and I almost forgot to take a picture! It was a busy day.

7 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Toy Giraffe.

I may not be able to post for a while. We're moving, so between packing up boxes and getting settled in, I might not be on the computer much for the next week or so. But I will still be taking my photos every day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

6 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

I've had this little pewter pig ever since I was little. I think I got him at a neighbor's garage sale. I found it while packing last night. Even though it's small and insignificant, I couldn't get myself to get rid of it. I kinda like him.
I was playing with the depth of field on this roll of paper towels, and thought he'd make for a great model.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

We're moving soon. So we have a big stash of boxes in our living room.
My boys have had fun making castles, and trains with them.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1 of 366 {Utah Photographer}

Welcome to my 365 photo challenge blog! Well, technically I should call it a 366 challenge since this year is a leap year.

Here's the deal, everyday for a year I will take at least one photo.
Then weekly, if not daily, I'll post the pictures I have taken here on this blog.

Can I have a drum-roll please......
Here's my first picture(s) for my 365 challenge:

Happy New Year!
The holidays were fun, but I'm glad they're over! Back to normalcy.

So I hope you enjoy my abundance of pictures that will collect here over the next year!
And I wish you all a great 2012!

On a side note...You can subscribe to my 365 blog by clicking on the "Subscribe to EHP 365" button at the bottom of my blog. Do that and you'll stay updated on my latest blog posts.
If you're a fellow 365'er I'd like to know, so I can follow you too! :o)